What is MRSC Rosters?

MRSC Rosters is a Small Works, Consultant, and Vendor roster service of MRSC, a nonprofit organization that supports Washington local governments in efficiently procuring services and goods from businesses when using a roster contracting process. Businesses conveniently register with any or all of the participating public agencies with one, renewable application.

How do participating public agencies use MRSC Rosters?

When a participating public agency has a project and they choose to use a roster process. They log in to their account, search by service category, and then generate a list of businesses who have registered with their agency and selected the category they are searching. From there, the agency follows their contracting procedures to select businesses and, in most cases, they contact businesses about the project opportunity via email. MRSC has no involvement in the business selection or the contracting process and any project inquiries are directed to the public agency.

When can public agencies join MRSC Rosters?

Public agencies can join MRSC Rosters at any point thoughout the year.

How much does it cost to join MRSC Rosters?

Public agencies pay an annual membership fee based on their Total Capital Expenditures.
Learn more about business pricing.

Where are the jobs posted on MRSC Rosters?

There are not any project opportunities posted in the MRSC Rosters. Like any roster process, Public agencies contact Businesses directly about opportunities.

How often do public agencies use MRSC Rosters?

Participating public agencies use their hosted rosters the same amount as if they maintained them independently, so the rates of usage are specific to the agency. MRSC does not have any involvement in their contracting, so we do not track their usage.

Why don’t all local governments use MRSC Rosters?

Washington cities, counties, and special purpose districts have different contracting processes and project needs, so some agencies may determine that their internal resources are sufficient for maintaining their own rosters, they may choose to not maintain rosters, or their agency may not be authorized by statute to use a roster process.