When a public agency signs up for MRSC Rosters, there are a few transition steps that should be addressed prior to using the service.

1. Adopt a Resolution

Before signing your MRSC Rosters contract, your governing body must pass a resolution to use a roster/vendor list. This resolution will establish your agency’s authority to use a roster/vendor list, specify what kinds of contracts you will be using a roster for, and address other governance topics such as oversight, transparency, and bidding and award information.

MRSC Rosters hosts three different roster types:

  • The statewide small works roster for construction, building, renovation, improvement, alteration, or repair of real property. While MRSC Rosters has hosted a small works roster for years, beginning July 1, 2024, it is the official statewide small works roster for all state agencies and authorized local governments under RCW 39.04.151-.152. However, public agencies are not required to use the statewide small works roster and may still use their own roster if desired.
  • A vendor roster for goods and purchased services, as authorized for certain public agencies by RCW 39.04.190 and agency statutes.
  • A consultant roster for professional architecture and engineering services under chapter 39.80 RCW, as well as general consulting services (personal services).

Public agencies are strongly encouraged to sign up for all three of MRSC’s rosters (small works, vendor, and consultant) for efficiency and ease of connecting with businesses.

See MRSC’s sample resolution for all three rosters (small works, vendor, and consultant) (.docx file download) or sample resolution for the small works roster only (.docx file download).

MRSC Rosters does not need a copy of your passed resolution.

2. Develop/Update Contracting Procedures

For small works, public agencies are required to establish various roster contracting procedures. These can include, but are not limited to, internal staff responsibilities, bidding and contracting template use, bidding and award processes, use of electronic bidding, data collection/reporting, and direct contracting (if intending to use direct contracting). For more information on these processes and procedures, see MRSC’s Small Works Roster Manual.

Public agencies should also adopt procedures for the use of vendor and/or consultant rosters as appropriate.

3. Notify Businesses

You will need to notify your contractors/businesses of the transition and provide links and steps for the businesses to re-apply for your roster. This should include email notification as well as updates to any applicable public-facing webpages.

If a business has an existing MRSC Rosters account, they will need to add your public agency to their selections. If a business does not have an MRSC Rosters account, they will need to create an account and then select your public agency.

If you will be using a third-party procurement portal for bidding (such as Bonfire, PublicPurchase, or Procureware), businesses/contractors must also register there to receive bid invitations.

We have provided a sample notification letter (Word document download) that you can adapt as needed.

You are welcome to incorporate the MRSC Rosters logo (below) into your transition outreach. You can right-click on the image to copy/save the image file.

4. Confirm Legal Notices

MRSC will begin posting the required Legal Notices inviting contractors/businesses to MRSC Rosters on behalf of your agency. Communicate to MRSC Rosters when your next notice is scheduled to be provided and confirm your legal newspaper of record.